Computer Mechanic

My Grand father lives in a nice little village. Most of the Son/daughter generation got moved to nearby towns or cities like vizag or Hyderabad. As it is a small village everyone knows everyone there. My grandfather house is surrounded by houses which belong to some way or the others to our relatives. My grand father’s bothers and cousins all live there. I used to go there regularly during my school day holidays. As I moved to college and career life the frequency got reduced.

As they are all in their 60s, they have a routine relaxed life. They all sit on a varandah talking about local politics, reading new papers and inquiring where abouts of people who pass by . Whenever I go to my grand father’s village, I go to there meeting place to say hello to everyone. They all treat me as their grand son and show there affection.

Here are some interesting questions, I used to get

  1. Heard that u guys earn five digit salary, how much is yours ?

    I try to avoid answering this, with a smile. They used to press me and if a say a number, that gets compared with the one of there some relation who earns more and an immediate recommendation comes ” Why don’t you Join my grandson’s company, he earns more !! “

  2. How come you did not meet my Son, he also lives in Hyderabad?

    As most of their son/daughter stay in Hyderabad, this is one more question I was asked very frequently. I try to explain , that i live in one corner of Hyderabad whereas his son lives in the other which are 30 km apart.

  3. Where do you work ?

    I will give my company name and address. Then the below question immediately follows…

  4. Did you not try in Satyam, my grandson works there, Shall I Recommend ?

    For most people in our area, software company means “Satyam”. Now I get a series of questions why I did not try in Satyam ?. Now I get a reference for a Job in Satyam :-).

  5. What do you do?

    This is the most trickiest question… As I work for RIM service provider. I try to be over creative and simplify things by saying ” if a computer has a problem/issues in USA, then we fix it from Hyderabad”.

    Then immediately I get this ” So you are a Computer mechanic. Our Sinu( bike mechanic ) repairs bikes and you repair Computers”

    I end up saying ” Exactly :-), you got it right ….”

    I like their enthusiasm to do good for you. They are always there to lend you a helping hand, though it may be just words.

    I wish all of those people, have fun as long as they live.

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1 Response to Computer Mechanic

  1. Sirisha Gadiraju says: a interesting read….:-)

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